The SEN Support Plan is a document that looks holistically at a child or young person and is worked on in partnership between parents and the child or young person’s setting. The SEN Support Plan provides a summary of the child or young person’s needs, alongside their strengths and areas of difficulty. The SEN Support Plan details the provision that is in place for a child or young person and outcomes following the assess, plan, do review process as detailed in the Graduated Approach.
Settings and schools may use this document for the following reasons:
- To monitor progress and development, as well as impact of the support provided
- As a transition document
- To make an inclusion grant funding request
- To request involvement from the Inclusion Specialist Teaching Team
- As part of the EHCP application
Please see our SEN Support Plan video below:
If you have any questions, regarding the SEN Support Plans, please contact our SEND Support Line 01908 657 825 /