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Children with Disabilities team


If you believe that a child is suffering, or at risk of significant harm, or is left alone and they are in immediate danger you should contact the relevant emergency services by ringing 999. If the child you are concerned about is not in immediate danger you should report your concern to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).


The Children With Disability Team (CWD) is a specialist service that supports families and their child with a disability to meet their social care needs. The Children With Disability Team are based in Civic office and cover the whole of Milton Keynes.  

About our service

Our service consists of Social Workers and Social Work Assistants who have a variety of knowledge, skills and experience. All Team members are Safeguarding trained.

Social Workers will undertake complex assessments, statutory Court work and work involving Child Protection and Looked After Children.

Social Work Assistants will support families in reviews of their child’s needs, to ensure the family and child are accessing services such as short breaks. As a part of the review process, there will be a discussion around an effective use of the short break package and if anything needs to be changed.

All team members aim to empower families to access support independently but, can support families who are open to the service with the following if needed:

  • organising tailored Short Break Care Packages,
  • setting up Direct Payments
  • attending meetings with parents/carers
  • conversing with professionals on behalf of parents/carers
  • signposting to the relevant service
  • Referrals to in house services and out house services

The Children With Disabilities Team acknowledge that not everyone would like a Social Worker / Social Work Assistant consistently in their life. The level of support provided is discussed between the worker and the family. The Duty line is open to discuss any other worries too.

Unfortunately, The Children with Disabilities team cannot help with:

  • sourcing a house
  • providing adaptations to property
  • providing child care so that you can go to work
  • giving advice on benefits or legal matters
  • make decisions on school/health matters

or overturn any decision that have been made by the above professionals.

The role

  • assess the needs of children and families and offer support, advice and information
  • liaise with other agencies such as health and education to ensure help and support offered to families is coordinated
  • Work in partnership with parents, children, young people and other professionals involved in the young persons life.
  • Preventing family crisis through the provision of the right level of support e.g. short breaks and respite care
  • All workers follow Section 17 of Children’s Act 1989 and have a duty to safeguard to ensure all children’s needs are continued to be met.

Who is eligible for an assessment?

Making a referral

Referrals can be made by:

  • parents
  • carers
  • professionals

If a professional has a concern about a young person, then a referral needs to be made through Milton Keynes Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and the Multi Agency Referral Form (MARF) will need to be filled in.

When making a referral, you need to call our duty line on 01908 253617 or email

Please outline:

  • What the child’s disability is and the impact it has on the child, carers and family
  • Whether they have an EHCP
  • What school they attend
  • What support is being requested
  • What professionals /support is already involved
  • Contact information for the child and person making the referral
  • Any other relevant information

The duty line is open:

  • Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 5pm
  • Friday, 9:30 to 4.30pm

You will receive an outcome response as to whether the referral will be processed to an assessment within three working days.

If the child or young person is accepted for an assessment and there are no safeguarding concerns, they may be added to a waiting list for assessment. Referrals involving safeguarding of a child are always prioritised.

If the child/young person does not meet the criteria, we will signpost to relevant services that can be accessed.

How long will you stay open to the team?

There is no time limit on how long the CwD team work with a family and we will always close by agreement with yourselves and other professionals involved with your family.

The team typically works with a young person and their family until the term after their 19th birthday if they are in a Special Needs Provision and accessing a Care Package. If they turn 18 and decide to leave a School provision, typically, Adults Social Care will become involved.

There is more information on Children to Adult Social Care Transition here,

Short breaks

Short breaks in Milton Keynes are accessed through a variety of Universal, Targeted, Specialist and Acute services. Many families with a child with a disability can utilise Universal services such as, activities from school  and local leisure activities or community groups.

There are some families that can access Targeted provisions which are designed to meet the needs of the child with a disability. In Milton Keynes, we run the Short break Voucher Scheme.

Short break vouchers can be accessible for Children and young people who have an Education and Health Care Plan- short break vouchers. These can be used in a variety of settings which can accommodate to Children with Special Needs e.g. Barnardos, Action 4 Youth.

For some families, they will need a higher level of support due to the impact of their child’s disability and their family circumstances. Access to Specialist Services are based on a Children and Family Assessment which is prepared by a Social Worker. The family will need to meet the eligibility criteria to access this service.

Acute services would involve those families who’s child needs intensive support within the home or the home environment is no longer safe for them. This would be discussed in collaboration with the family, child and health and Social Care professionals, then assessed appropriately to ensure that the child is safeguarded at all times and their needs continued to be met.









No assessment, no referral needed, self referral, contact directly

Eligibility through Short break vouchers, self contact directly, assessed by provider

Eligibility through C and F, Social Work assessment

Eligibility through CCG, Social Care assessment, Child Protection Assessment.


Cubs, brownies, after school activities, community local based groups

Barnardos, Action for youth, Autism youth group, SEN family swimming

Short break respite through care agency or personal assistant

Overnight respite, residential care

Service cost

Funded by families

Funded by families, short break vouchers

Direct payments via connection support, Council funded

Funded by CCG,  Social care


Children with Disabilities Database

The Children Act 2004 requires our service to keep a database register of children with disabilities to help with planning and monitoring services. Joining the register is voluntary, by joining, you will receive relevant information of activities, groups and any other useful information.

Please use this form to register your child's details on the Children with Disabilities Database in Milton Keynes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up my Direct Payment?

We work closely with Connections support to ensure that if you are granted a direct payment and choose to employ a Personal Assistant that you are supported with the process of doing this. Connection support have pulled together some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about direct payments should you choose to employ a Personal Assistant. 

Connections support have produced this document to guide you, head over to our Connection support page for more information about direct payments.

What support can I get as a carer?

Can CWD team help me with housing?

Unfortunately the Children With Disabilities Team cannot help with the sourcing of housing or providing adaptations.

You can contact housing team at MKCC - Homeless prevention or Milton Keynes Children and Young People's Occupational Therapy Team for adaptations.

Can CWD Team help with behaviour?

If you are not open to the Children With Disabilities Team you can access Early help , Children and family practice, SEND Support line or the CAMHS website for additional information. 

Where can I make a complaint?

Please find information on making a complaint regarding employees of the Council through the complaints process 

What benefits can I get?

Benefits advice can be found on MKCIL or a benefits advisor through Bedford Disability Resource Centre.

Where can my child live when they’re 18?

We would advise discussing future transitions with adults social care team.

Children with Disabilities Team

Children with Disabilities Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ


SENDIAS contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ

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